5/2/76 Phil




A.  A good congregation can identify its right pastor and then remain under his authority. The people in the church don’t hop from church to church.


B.  A good congregation submits to the pastor’s authority in teaching and church policy.


C.  A good congregation has consistent positive volition to doctrine.


D.  A good congregation has stability. This means it avoids distractions to public assembly and to the daily metabolization of doctrine.


E.  A good congregation has objectivity, poise, and good academic discipline under the ministry of the Holy Spirit.


F.  A good congregation is thoughtful of others and recognizes the privacy of others. Therefore, it avoids mental attitude sins and verbal sins which intrude on the privacy of others.


G.  A good congregation follows the pastor in his spiritual advance, staying hot on his heels.


H.  Through spiritual growth and progress, they come to be blessed of God in time and are relaxed about their blessings. They are occupied with Christ, share God’s happiness, and enjoy their capacity for life. They rejoice with those who rejoice and weep with those who weep. They are never “hung-up” or jealous of the prosperity of others.


I.  A good congregation means a highly decorated pastor and congregation in eternity, who glorify our Lord Jesus Christ forever.




 © 1989, by R. B. Thieme, Jr.  All rights reserved.
